These tutorials will introduce you to Java programming Language. You'll compile and run your very own Java application, using Sun's JDK. It's extremely easy to learn java programming skills, and in these parts, you'll learn how to write, compile, and run Java applications. Before you can develop corejava applications, you'll need to download the Java Development Kit (JDK).


Java Assignment Operators

It's very common to see statement like the following, where you're adding something to a variable. Java Variables are assigned, or given, values using one of the assignment operators. The variable are always on the left-hand side of the assignment operator and the value to be assigned is always on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. The assignment operator is evaluated from right to left, so a = b = c = 0; would assign 0 to c, then c to b then b to a.

i = i + 2;

Here we say that we are assigning i's value to the new value which is i+2. 

A shortcut way to write assignments like this is to use the += operator. It's one operator symbol so don't put blanks between the + and =. 
i += 2; // Same as "i = i + 2"

The shortcut assignment operator can be used for all Arithmetic Operators i.e. You can use this style with all arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, and even %).

Here are some examples of assignments:

//assign 1 to 
//variable a
int a = 1;

//assign the result 
//of 2 + 2 to b
int b = 2 + 2;

//assign the literal 
//"Hello" to str
String str = new String("Hello");

//assign b to a, then assign a 
//to d; results in d, a, and b being equal
int d = a = b;