These tutorials will introduce you to Java programming Language. You'll compile and run your Java application, using Sun's JDK. It's very easy to learn java programming skills, and in these parts, you'll learn how to write, compile, and run Java applications. Before you can develop corejava applications, you'll need to download the Java Development Kit (JDK).


Java Increment and Decrement Operators

There are 2 Increment or decrement operators ->  ++ and --. These two operators are unique in that they can be written both before the operand they are applied to, called prefix increment/decrement, or after, called postfix increment/decrement.  The meaning is different in each case.


x = 1;
y = ++x;

prints 2, but

x = 1;
y = x++;

prints 1

Source Code

//Count to ten

class UptoTen  {

  public static void main (String args[]) {
    int i;
    for (i=1; i <=10; i++) {  


When we write i++ we're using shorthand for i = i + 1. When we say i-- we're using shorthand for i = i - 1. Adding and subtracting one from a number are such common operations that these special increment and decrement operators have been added to the language. T

There's another short hand for the general add and assign operation, +=. We would normally write this as i += 15. Thus if we wanted to count from 0 to 20 by two's we'd write:

Source Code

class CountToTwenty  {

  public static void main (String args[]) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i <=20; i += 2) {  //Note Increment Operator by 2
 } //main ends here


As you might guess there is a corresponding -= operator. If we wanted to count down from twenty to zero by twos we could write: -=

class CountToZero  {

  public static void main (String args[]) {
    int i;
    for (i=20; i >= 0; i -= 2) {  //Note Decrement Operator by 2
